Exp 2 - Week 03 : Submission
Exp 2 - Week 03 2 SHORT TEXTS DESCRIBING THE ARCHITECTURAL CONCEPTS 18 SKETCH AXONOMETRIC 36 CUSTOM TEXTURES REAL TIME IMAGE CAPTURES SHOWING An LUMION ENVIRONMENT CONCEPT 01 The first aim of the light rail stop is providing a place for passengers to get on and get off the light rail( 45m~67m length, 2.65 widths). Therefore, the functional parts, such as platform and overbridge, are designed in Bauhaus style ( Walter Adolph Georg Gropius ), which is simple and practical. The design of curving surface can be referred to the work of Herzog and De Meuron , who is famous their flexible and diverse style. The curving surface should be fancy but restrained, impressive but practical. CONCEPT 02 The main passengers of Anzac Parade light rail stop are students and staffs of University of New South Wales. The factors of the university(black and yellow, UNSW) are supposed to express on the building. Thousands of students will arri...